Student Employment

Event & Session Assistant

Scroll to the bottom of the page to see a list of open positions


Event and session assistants are usually but not always recruited on a per-project basis. Some projects may only require some extra hands while others may require specific types of technical expertise. Each session or event will have individual positions students can apply for. While it is preferred students are already assistants or former assistants, anyone is allowed to apply for these positions.

Event and session assistants work on all types of PAT projects, and hence may not always be working in the Tech Suite


Event and session assistants must:

Time commitment


$15 an hour

General Responsibilities

Responsibilities are determined per-position and per-event

Open Crew Calls

Sessions and events that have an open crew call will be shown on this page. Please only apply if there is an open crew call.

There is no open crew call for any sessions or events