Maintenance and Repair

DO NOT ATTEMPT TO PERFORM MAINTENANCE, FIXES, OR REPAIRS YOURSELF. Please submit a Helpdesk ticket or include the issue in your studio log.

Even if you think you know what you are doing, the Tech Suite is very complicated and a "simple fix" could break many other systems and prolong the repair process. Additionally, all fixes, maintenance, and repairs need to be thoroughly documented so we can reference it in the future if needed.

If you're really that interested in fixing things, or you have ideas for improvements, email about being part of the Studio Assistant team. We are always on the lookout for passionate people.

Food, drink, smoking, and alcohol

Access and Certifications

No Tailgating/Piggybacking

Tailgating/piggybacking is a security breach that occurs when someone enters a room by following someone else in.

To prevent this, do not allow any individual into a space if they won't be under your direct supervision. They must unlock the door themselves. You can still bring collaborators into the Tech Suite, but you may not leave them alone in a Tech Suite space unless they are certified. Do not let any individual who is not part of your class/project/group into Tech Suite spaces. Do not prop doors open unless explicitly needed for a class/project. Do not leave propped doors open and unattended.

Tragically, random acts of kindness are often the most taken advantage of when it comes to security breaches. Here are some example situations where you should NOT let an individual into a space:

Refer the individual in question to the PAT Studio Coordinator. The Studio Coordinator maintains a database of all current PAT students and can verify their request.

Report all suspicious behavior to

Reserving Tech Suite Spaces

Tech Suite spaces should be reserved in the SMTD Scheduling System.

Special Requests


Guests / Non-PAT collaborators

Resetting the Studios / Zero Setting

Studios should be set back to their Zero Setting as defined by the manual for that specific space upon the departure of the space. The leader(s) of an activity are responsible for returning the space to its Zero Setting.

File Storage

Usage of Studio and Checkout Equipment

Storing personal / borrowed equipment in the studios

Commissioned / For-profit Work

The Tech Suite facilities and equipment are for educational purposes. To protect these spaces for their primary use, commercial projects by students are not permitted. On rare occasions, exceptions may be granted. (see Special Requests policy)

In order to receive a certification for a space, you must agree to only use that space for non-commercial, educational, or research purposes as described above. 

For-profit publication of works created through course work or research projects is allowed. Under these specific use cases, users maintain the copyright to all work created in the space.

You may not charge for the use of Tech Suite facilities in any way. You can't charge for your time when using the spaces. You can't charge for events without approval from the PAT department and SMTD.

Removing equipment or furniture from the Tech Suite

Modifications to Studio Configuration

Use of liquids, fire, atmospherics, and glitter

Usage of Tech Suite by Outside Individuals, Departments, and Organizations

Organizations, departments, and individuals who are not using the Tech Suite for PAT-related instruction or course work that are interested in using the Tech Suite must submit a request to Requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by PAT faculty and staff.

Please include as much relevant information as possible as well as a reason that you need the specific space you are requesting. If there is another similar space on campus available, please elaborate on why that space will not work for your project.

Projects deemed to be non-pedagogical in nature are subject to the following rental rates:

Fees are non-refundable and must be paid upfront for the reservation

Door propping

Hallway Clearance

The Tech Suite BC42 hallway must remain clear of tables and other obstructions at all times to ensure fire marshal compliance. Items may be left temporarily but cannot be left overnight.

During events in the Davis Studio, the hallway must be left 100% clear and both doors must remain clear of obstructions on either side to ensure smooth egress.

Reporting Problems or Policy Violations

Problems or Policy Violations should be reported via the helpdesk.

Maximum Capacity

Workshop Usage by Classes

For safety reasons, students MUST be trained in the Workshop prior to using it, even during class time. Any student who is not trained in the Workshop is not permitted to enter the room or use the equipment during class time.
